Fritz Jung, October 31 1952 ~ May 4, 2021

Fritz in his home studio where he recorded with his band “The Blackbirds”

Fritz and Wren at Starwood, 1993

Fritz loved guitars.
Fritz in his home music studio in New Hampshire.

Fritz and Wren, 2021
Fritz on Samhain (his birthday!) in Salem, Mass. with friends, 1993

Dear friends,

On May 4th, 2021, on the festival day of Beltane, Harold Fritz Jung died after a brief illness. His wife, soulmate and best friend Wren was with him. Fritz was a loving husband, devoted son, and wonderful brother, as well as a beloved friend to many. He was a gifted musician and songwriter, a wizard with computers, a talented recording engineer, a lover of cats, a devotee of baked goods, and a passionate cyclist.

Fritz co-founded The Witches’ Voice with his wife Wren in 1997, creating an innovative website for the non-profit organization that provided networking, education, and assistance to the international pagan community, receiving accolades from the technology community for his stellar design work. Fritz chose the name “Witchvox” and its legacy lives on in the many friendships and connections made, thousands of articles published, stories and life passages shared, the art and music discovered, and the memories of our community’s growth and evolution stretching over more than two decades of its existence.

Fritz and Wren had recently moved from Florida (where Fritz worked for Dean Guitars) back to New England, and Fritz had often mentioned missing the smell of the forest over the last twenty years. Fritz loved the beauty of nature, even the dramatic thunderstorms of western Florida, and was excited about experiencing all four seasons again. Fritz believed in generosity, in optimism, in kindness, in hugs, and in being thankful for everything. He worked tirelessly, laughed loudly, and lived his life with boundless energy, humor and love. May his memory be a bright light to all who knew and loved him. 

9 thoughts on “Fritz Jung, October 31 1952 ~ May 4, 2021

  1. I JUST got the news about Fritz. I am so sorry, Wren. You two were….and ARE very good together. He will live on in you. His spirit is still with you.

    I am a member on WitchVox. I haven’t been on in a while.

    There was one CD of his I had back in the 90’s. I cannot remember the name of it, but it got lost during a move. I LOVED that CD.

    He was a good man and always willing to help other’s.

    Again, I am very sorry.


    Little-Feather McCormick


  2. The Witches Voice was an absolutely incredible resource in the early days of the World Wide Web, and remained so until the social media era was well underway. I published some articles on the site and every interaction with Fritz was incredibly positive. I’d dare say he and Wren have contributed as much to the Pagan community as authors like Gardner, Buckland, and Starhawk. Blessings to all who knew him.


  3. I am so sorry to hear this news. I was a follower and on Witchvox almost from it inception. I had been saddened when it closed. It was such a wonderful thing that Fritz and Wren did for the Pagan community. It was because of Witcvox that I made so many connections when I moved down south.

    “To live in the hearts of the ones we leave behind is not to die”
    Thomas Campbell

    May he travel well now. Hail to the Traveler.

    So Mote it Be!
    Hugs and Blessings
    Aka Lady Silverwolf


  4. I met Fritz in the mid 70s, we worked together and became good friends. Through the years we lost touch and reconnected again a few years ago. Today (Nov. 4th) I found out he left this world. I will miss you old friend. Loved you like a brother, you looked out for me back in the day and I will always remember you. My heart goes out to Wren and Jeff and everyone he touched who will miss him


    • Hi Jane. Not sure if you are the Jane who I know from Nashua, but maybe. I’m Rick, I worked in the shoe department of Woolco. I now live in Vermont and knew that Fritz moved back to NH and thought that I’d go drop in on him. So I put his name into my computer and immediately so this page. My mouth dropped and my heart sunk. Even now I’m having a hard time believing that he’s gone. So very sad news today.


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